Meaning of பணியாளர் in Urdu
- ملازمت
- خادم
- عملہ
- عملے
- ٹاسکر
- ویٹر
- ویٹرڈوم
- ویٹر ہڈ
- ویٹرشپ
- ویٹریس
- ورک فیلو
Meaning of பணியாளர் in English
English usage of பணியாளர்
- Carpenter told a nurse he wanted medical staffers to do all they could to prevent his death.
- Arriving passengers greet their cabin stewards and table waiters like long-lost family friends with smiling handshakes, hugs and much backslapping.
- We didn't have long to wait before a cheerful waitress seated us at a small table for two near a window.
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