Meaning of பாசாங்கு in Urdu
- منافقت کرنا
- دکھاوا
- بہانے
- بہانہ
- ترجیحی
- دکھاوا کیا
- دکھاوے سے
- دکھاوا کرنے والا
- ابتدائی
- دباؤ
- طویل تر
- مضبوطی سے
- انسدادی
- برقرار رکھنے
- دکھاوے والا
- سب سے پہلے
Meaning of பாசாங்கு in English
English usage of பாசாங்கு
- his anger is masked by a pretense that all is well
- his anger is masked by a pretense that all is well
- I closed my eyes and pretended I was asleep
- she interrupted him with pretended indignation
- the pretender to the throne
- the pretender to the throne
- I closed my eyes and pretended I was asleep
- his anger is masked by a pretense that all is well
- his anger is masked by a pretense that all is well
- we cannot tolerate pretension to infallibility
- a pretentious literary device
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