Meaning of பாட்டி in Urdu
- بیٹ
- دادا
- دادی
- داداڈی
- داد
- نانا
- گرانڈو
- گرین
- گرانیاں
- نانی
- پیٹی
Meaning of பாட்டி in English
English usage of பாட்டி
- you'll drive me batty!
- that young fellow is going to have the granddaddy of all headaches
- The atmospheric spot is decorated like a Spanish grandee 's mansion.
- Grandma Wendy
- Grandma Wendy
- my grandmother is ill
- my grandmother is ill
- My granny always said it's a crime not to seize the opportunities that present themselves.
- My granny always said it's a crime not to seize the opportunities that present themselves.
- The burgers consist of chicken or beef patties sandwiched between two rice cakes.
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