Meaning of பாதுகாப்பு in Urdu
- عہدہ بازی
- تحفظ
- کوریج
- دفاع
- دفاعی
- اشتعال انگیزی
- نگہبان
- حفاظت
- سرپرستی
- محافظ
- حفاظتی
- احتجاج
- سیف کیپنگ
- صافی
- سفیٹنگ
- سلامتی
- سیکیورٹی
- سیکی
Meaning of பாதுகாப்பு in English
English usage of பாதுகாப்பு
- the government must take action to promote energy conservation
- the grammar did not offer total coverage of the language
- she came to the defense of the eccentric professor
- she came to the defense of the eccentric professor
- she came to the defense of the eccentric professor
- she came to the defense of the eccentric professor
- a sense of enervation
- the guardianship of the rural landscape
- Its dry-film protectant repels dust, sand and other crud that sticks to ‘wet’ oils and silicones.
- the B vitamins give protection against infection
- protective gloves are worn to minimize injury
- she'd put her wedding ring in her purse for safekeeping
- they should leave for their own safety
- the system is designed to provide maximum security against toxic spills
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