Meaning of பின்னடைவு in Urdu
- آفٹر شافٹڈ
- پیچھے ہٹنا
- پسماندہ
- بیک فائر
- جوابی کارروائی
- گلک
- وقفہ
- پیچھے رہنا
- سست
- استقامت
- راضی
- کم ہونا
- ریسیسر
- کساد بازاری
- رسوا
- جلدی
- ریسرسر
- تفریح
- آرام سے
- بیکار
- بازیافت
- تکرار
- رجسٹریشن
- دباؤ
- دباؤ ڈالنا
- رجعت
- رجعت پسند
- رجعت پسندی
- رجسٹر
- لچک
- تنفسی
- پسماندگی
- بدستور
- پست
- پیچھے ہٹ گیا
- دھچکا
Meaning of பின்னடைவு in English
English usage of பின்னடைவு
- a day's back-breaking work
- a car backfired in the road
- a public backlash against racism
- the media world of backstabbing, scheming, and downright malice
- they stopped to wait for one of the children who was lagging behind
- they stopped to wait for one of the children who was lagging behind
- the flood waters had receded
- recessional times
- the recessive housing market
- he recoiled in horror
- he recoiled in horror
- art has been regressing toward adolescence for more than a generation now
- art has been regressing toward adolescence for more than a generation now
- art has been regressing toward adolescence for more than a generation now
- art has been regressing toward adolescence for more than a generation now
- Will regression afflict the developing countries as aging weakens the industrial world?
- the goals of treatment include retardation of disease progression
- the rules kick in on January 1 but are being retroacted
- she retrogressed to the starting point of her rehabilitation
- a kind of extreme retrogression to 19th-century attitudes
- a serious setback for the peace process
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