Meaning of பெறுதல் in Urdu
- حاصل کرنا
- بازیافت کرنے والا
- بازیافت
- بازیافت سے
- بازیافت کرنا
- ہو رہی ہے
- حصولیابی
- حصول
- حاصل
- استقبال
- وصول کنندگان
- وصول
- وصول کرنا
- وصول کنندہ
- ناقابل تلافی
Meaning of பெறுதல் in English
English usage of பெறுதல்
- I managed to acquire all the books I needed
- a fetching little garment of pink satin
- the Supervisor tossed a key to the old slave to unlock the chain that fettered the prisoners together
- I got the impression that she wasn't happy
- the receiver of a gift
- the company went into receivership last week
- she received her prize from the manager
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