Meaning of மாற்றம் in Urdu
- تبدیلی
- تبادلوں
- قائل
- تبورتنشیلتا
- ترمیم
- غیر اطلاع
- غیر تبدیلی
- شفٹ
- شفٹ پن
- چھيد دينا
- منتقلی
- تغیر
- ٹرانسورٹ
Meaning of மாற்றம் in English
English usage of மாற்றம்
- timetables are subject to alteration without notice
- environmental change
- the changeover period
- the conversion of food into body tissues
- the convolutions of farm policy
- the parts supplied should fit with little or no modification
- I shift the weight back to the other leg
- its landscape has undergone a radical transformation
- the transience of life and happiness
- students in transition from one program to another
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