Meaning of விலக்கு in Urdu
- منسوخ کریں
- منسوخی
- باہر چھوڑ کر
- لگن
- کٹوتی
- چکنا
- متروکہ
- روکنا
- انحراف کرنا
- ڈس انڈی
- ترک کرنا
- رد
- چھوڑنا
- مندی
- تخفیف
- تفسیر
- صوابدیدی
- جدا ہونا
- منقطع کرنا
- حق رائے دہی
- سجاوٹ
- جدا کرنا
- بھیجنا
- ترسیل
- پسند کرنا
- ڈیوائسٹچر
- ڈویسٹمنٹ
- سراب
- ایکسچینج
- استثناء
- خارج ہونے والی
- خارج کریں
- خارج کرنے والا
- خارج
- خارج کرنا
- چھوٹ
- مستثنیٰ
- اخراج
- مشاہدہ
- آؤٹ پرائسنگ
- بازیافت
- چھٹکارا پانا
- جھگڑا
- بے ہنگم
- بے عیب
Meaning of விலக்கு in English
English usage of விலக்கு
- abnegation of political lawmaking power
- child-care vouchers will be deductible expenses for employers
- he attempted to deflect attention away from his private life
- the cities were derelict and dying
- these quibbles in no way detract from her achievement
- methods for communicating with the dead or with discarnate spirits
- they clung together for a moment, then she disengaged herself
- the paired chromosomes fail to separate or disjoin during cell division
- the divestiture of state-owned assets
- the importance of divestment
- women had been excluded from many scientific societies
- drug users are subject to exclusion from the military
- exclusionary membership policies
- an exclusionist foreign policy
- they were exempted from paying the tax
- these patients are exempt from all charges
- they were exempted from paying the tax
- exemption from prescription charges
- they were exempted from paying the tax
- he shunned fashionable society
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