Meaning of అనుగుణంగా in Urdu
- مطابق
- اتفاق سے
- تعمیل کریں
- کے مطابق
- موافق
- تعمیری طور پر
- مساوی
- اسی کے مطابق
- جوابدہی سے
Meaning of అనుగుణంగా in English
English usage of అనుగుణంగా
- the product is disposed of in accordance with federal regulations
- we are unable to comply with your request
- the kitchen does not conform to hygiene regulations
- the kitchen does not conform to hygiene regulations
- the kitchen does not conform to hygiene regulations
- communication is successful when the ideas in the minds of the speaker and hearer correspond
- communication is successful when the ideas in the minds of the speaker and hearer correspond
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