Meaning of అరుదుగా in Urdu
- مشکل سے
- عدم استحکام
- غیر معمولی
- کبھی کبھار
- غیر متوقع
- کبھی نہیں
- نایاب
- شاذ و نادر ہی
- عصمت دری
- مکمل طور پر
- شاذ و نادر
- شاذ و نزاکت
- فروخت
- بہت کم
- بے ترتیب
Meaning of అరుదుగా in English
English usage of అరుదుగా
- a thing hardly bigger than a credit card
- her visits were so infrequent
- he cooks, but only infrequently
- debates about the nature of knowledge can seem very rarefied
- I rarely drive above 60 mph
- the rarity of the condition
- her voice is so low I can scarcely hear what she is saying
- Islay is seldom visited by tourists
- she has another sister, Sandra, but I seldomly see her
- a sparsely populated region
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