Meaning of తప్పు in Urdu
- غلط
- ناقابل معافی
- چھوٹا
- غلطی پر
- غلطی
- غلطی والا
- بھڑکا ہوا
- خطا
- بھورا
- ڈسرا
- اہل
- ناقابل تلافی
- کام
- ارایٹ
- زوال
- زوال پذیر
- فاولڈ
- غلطی لائن
- فالٹر
- قصور وار
- فالٹیئر
- سب سے زیادہ
- ناقص
- تصحیح
- ناقابل
- غیر متعل .ق
- ناروا سلوک
- مؤثر
- خراب
- ناقابل فہم
- غلط استعمال
- غلط استعمال کیا گیا
- غلط کام
- بدتمیزی
- بد انتظامی
- غلط کام کرنا
- پنجا
- غلط فہمی
- گمراہی
- متناسب
- نامعلوم
- غلط بنا ہوا
- غلط بنائیں
- مسمنٹ
- غلط نمبر
- حیرت انگیز
- مساوات
- بدگمانی
- غلطی سے
- غلط پیدائش
- غلط بیانی
- غلطیاں
- لچکدار
- غیرمعمولی
- غیر یقینی
- بے بنیاد
- غیر منقولہ
- غیر یقینی بنانے والا
- شیر کرنا
- سب سے گھٹیا
- ناانصافی
- بدصورتی
- غلط رنگ
Meaning of తప్పు in English
English usage of తప్పు
- there was something amiss about his calculations
- I blundered on in my explanation
- the mayor and the City Council have blundered in an ill-advised campaign
- the mayor and the City Council have blundered in an ill-advised campaign
- the judge had erred in ruling that the evidence was inadmissible
- she asked Tim to run an errand for her
- he could never forgive his daughter's errant ways
- the judge had erred in ruling that the evidence was inadmissible
- she took her erring husband back because she loved him and thought he would change
- employers sometimes make erroneous assumptions
- technology is not a cure for human fallibility
- experts can be fallible
- my worst fault is impatience
- you cannot fault him for the professionalism of his approach
- a car with faulty brakes
- a car with faulty brakes
- a complex pattern of faulting
- a car with faulty brakes
- the doctor gave you incorrect advice
- There are other quirky problems surrounding the phenomenon of incorrupt bodies of saints.
- sorbitol is miscible with glycerol
- Athy battled on in search of an equaliser and Joe Tynan had a penalty appeal dismissed by Referee Tommy Masterson and Paul Kelly miscued his shot from 10 yards after a fine through ball from Tynan.
- his past misdeeds were forgiven
- when a police officer goes to prison, he often suffers more for his misdoings
- it is physically impossible to mismate connectors
- because I was inexperienced I mistook the nature of our relationship
- that is the wrong answer
- the head of the bank has denied any wrongdoing
- he is suing the police for wrongful arrest
- please forgive me these things and the people I have wronged
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