Meaning of భ్రమ in Urdu
- کونسٹیشن
- دلیری
- ڈیلمبیٹ
- دھوکہ دہی
- فریب کاری
- خلفشار
- بد نظمی
- موہوم ہونا
- سحر انگیزی
- بدکاری
- بیمار
- فحاشی
- برم
- وہم
- فریب شدہ
- سراب
- وہم پسند
- قلمی پن
Meaning of భ్రమ in English
English usage of భ్రమ
- I always welcomed clover, much to the consternation of the neighbors
- he was diagnosed with a delusional disorder
- delustered acetate fibers
- enthusiasm for the government evaporated into a more cynical disillusion
- the high abstention rate at the election reflected the voters' growing disillusionment with politics
- he continued to suffer from horrific hallucinations
- the illusion makes parallel lines seem to diverge by placing them on a zigzag-striped background
- Venetian art was more painterly than the sculptural art of central Italy, and artists used light and colour more dramatically; Titian, Tintoretto, and Veronese developed the expressive power and illusionism of oil painting.
- she knew the safety of her room was illusory
- The study also indicates that the illuviation of clay particles and their subsequent accumulation in the Bt horizons have occurred in sodic environment.
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