Meaning of విజయం in Urdu
- فتح
- کامیابی
- فاتح
- خراب کارکردگی
- وکٹوریٹ
- ویکیواج
Meaning of విజయం in English
English usage of విజయం
- the conquest of the Aztecs by the Spanish
- the president had some success in restoring confidence
- a garden built to celebrate Napoleon's many triumphs
- spectacle has once again triumphed over content
- This country underperforms most noticeably in research and development, entrepreneurial activity and youth unemployment.
- Mexican forces vanquished the French army in a battle in Puebla
- Mexican forces vanquished the French army in a battle in Puebla
- the vanquishment of their enemies
- a victorious army
- an election victory
- turkey and other savory victuals were served
- the ship wasn't even properly victualed
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