Meaning of విలువ in Urdu
- ممنوع
- نتیجہ
- والوز
- والوریم
- قدر کرنا
- قدر
- قابل
- قابلیت
Meaning of విలువ in English
English usage of విలువ
- the borrowings were denominated in U.S. dollars
- These men were observed to be of various statures, considerably variegated, and carried their worldly possessions in bundles, boxes, trunks, valises , and suitcases.
- your support is of great value
- his estate was valued at $45,000
- jewelry worth $450 was taken
Articles Related to ‘విలువ’
حروف کلک کرکے دیگر الفاظ براؤز کریں