Meaning of సరిహద్దు in Urdu
- پابندی
- بارڈر
- پر سرحد
- بارڈرڈ
- بارڈرنگ
- بورڈورڈ
- پابند
- حد
- حد بندی کرنا
- حد بندی
- فرنٹر
- فرنٹیئر
- خاکہ
- غیر سرحد
Meaning of సరిహద్దు in English
English usage of సరిహద్దు
- border patrols
- a pool bordered by palm trees
- a pool bordered by palm trees
- When used in an impaled coat the bordure is not continued around the inner side.
- the eastern boundary of the wilderness
- Louis came bounding down the stairs
- Louis came bounding down the stairs
- plots of land demarcated by barbed wire
- plots of land demarcated by barbed wire
- plots of land demarcated by barbed wire
- the demarcation of the maritime border
- Two border guards patrolling the nearby frontier with Georgia have also been reported missing since Friday night.
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