Meaning of సూచన in Urdu
- پیشن گوئی
- تجزیہ
- اشارہ
- اشارے
- اشارہ کرنا
- ہدایت
- نصیحت
- حوالہ
- تجویز
- گندگی
Meaning of సూచన in English
English usage of సూచన
- coal consumption is forecast to increase
- ‘Heads’ was the name given to that part of sailing ships forward of the forecastle and around the beak which was used by the crew as their lavatory.
- he has given no hint of his views
- there were those who hinted at doctored evidence
- the visit was an indication of the improvement in relations between the countries
- he issued instructions to the sheriff
- he had a premonition of imminent disaster
- he made reference to the enormous power of the mass media
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