Meaning of సూర్యరశ్మి in Urdu
- سورما
- سنارپ
- دھوپ
- سورج کے دن
- سورج کی روشنی
- سورج کی بیماری
- سنبل بلائنڈ
- سنبرسٹس
- سورج برسٹ
- اتفاقی
- عظمت
- ناشتا
- سن لینڈز
- سورج کے بغیر
- سورج کی طرح
- ڈوب گیا
- سنن ازم
- سورج
- سورج کی جگہیں
- سن سپاٹٹری
- سورج کی جگہ
- سن اسٹار
- سورج کا پتھر
- سورج پتھر
- سورج کا شکار
- سنسٹروک
- سنسوٹ
- سورج کی طرف
- سورج کا راستہ
- سورج کے راستے
Meaning of సూర్యరశ్మి in English
English usage of సూర్యరశ్మి
- an upstairs deck on which you could take a sunbath
- Outside, it is a typical monsoon morning sky alternating between brilliant sunburst and darkening clouds.
- a sunless winter day
- clear sunlit waters
- Buzz could see Clare sunning herself on the terrace below
- we walked in the warm sunshine
- He also used his telescope to discover the four largest satellites of Jupiter, the phases of Venus, and sunspots on the sun.
- Cuckoo wrasse are also common, and soft corals and red sunstars add some colour to the rusty steel.
- For example, amethyst blends well with lavender, fire agate with sunflowers, citrine with chamomile, aventurine with mint, sunstone with marigolds or daisy, and so forth.
- He extracted teeth, stitched gashes, advised on pneumonia and sunstroke , set broken limbs, used the lancet and the thermometer.
- He extracted teeth, stitched gashes, advised on pneumonia and sunstroke , set broken limbs, used the lancet and the thermometer.
- The woman wore a bright yellow sunsuit , with blue flowers printed on it.
- they worked from sunup to sundown
- the sunward side of Mars
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