
Meaning of سخت in Urdu

  • سخت

Meaning of سخت in English

English usage of سخت

  • a drastic reduction of staffing levels
  • confessions extracted under duress
  • living up to such exacting standards
  • the tiger is the largest member of the cat family and a fierce predator
  • the tiger is the largest member of the cat family and a fierce predator
  • a fiery hot chili sauce
  • An exhibition was installed in the coffee and lunch room and allow fructuous informal discussions among the participants.
  • they work hard at school
  • hardened steel
  • bricks that seem to have been hardened by firing
  • bricks that seem to have been hardened by firing
  • a hardy breed of cattle
  • Todd could take it, whereas I'm harrowed by it
  • drenched in a harsh white neon light
  • “Right,” I said, harshening my tone
  • lacrimal cells
  • never loquacious, Sarah was now totally lost for words
  • a mordant sense of humor
  • He employs a wide variety of ornaments such as mordents , trills, broken chords and appoggiaturas.
  • raucous youths
  • a seat of rigid orange plastic
  • the rigorous testing of consumer products
  • she gave a rueful grin
  • a scrumptious chocolate tart
  • a severe shortage of technicians
  • The high surface area of the silicon dioxide makes it a natural sorbent for capturing more carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide.
  • the story paints a sordid picture of bribes and scams
  • a staunch supporter of the antinuclear lobby
  • a smile transformed his stern face
  • a smile transformed his stern face
  • the most beggarly place that ever pigs were stied in
  • a stiff black collar
  • I want to get those pigs who stiffed your doctor
  • he stiffened his knees in an effort to prevent them from trembling
  • he stiffened his knees in an effort to prevent them from trembling
  • a stiff black collar
  • I want to get those pigs who stiffed your doctor
  • the still body of the young man
  • He records 9 stivers per day for Venice.
  • socially stratified cities
  • my sweater stretched in the wash
  • all your muscles need more oxygen during strenuous exercise
  • my father was very strict
  • my father was very strict
  • his voice had become increasingly sharp, almost strident
  • the brittle strum of acoustic guitars
  • According to these literatures, the root is bitter tonic and useful in cancer and strumous disease.
  • that old confident strut and swagger has returned
  • peacocks strut through the grounds
  • weak stumpy legs
  • the sweltering afternoon heat
  • please forgive this tardy reply
  • the room was furnished in slightly tatty upholstered furniture
  • a tenacious grip
  • the tenuous link between interest rates and investment
  • Your highness, sorry about the shrieking termagant !
  • the preservation of this terraqueous globe
  • tighten the bolts
  • tighten the bolts
  • tighten the bolts
  • tighten the bolts
  • she twisted her handkerchief into a tight knot
  • toilsome chores
  • he tried to toughen his son up by sending him to public school
  • he tried to toughen his son up by sending him to public school
  • he tried to toughen his son up by sending him to public school
  • tough backpacks for climbers
  • his days of truculent defiance were over

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