Meaning of ناراضگی in Urdu
Meaning of ناراضگی in English
English usage of ناراضگی
- he turned his charm on Tara, much to Herbert's annoyance
- a decoy duck
- she braved her mother's disapprobation and slipped out to enjoy herself
- her hair was disarranged all around her face
- I decided to disburden myself of the task
- many MPs are secretly enjoying his discomfiture
- the abrupt change of subject disconcerted her
- the discontents and anxieties of the working class
- the farmer was disheartened by the damage to his crops
- the tone of the letter displeased him
- the tone of the letter displeased him
- his grin turns into thin-lipped displeasure
- men cannot praise Dryden without dispraising Coleridge
- dissentient voices were castigated as “hopeless bureaucrats.”
- he grudged the work and time that the meeting involved
- she resented the fact that I had children
- she resented the fact that I had children
- he was angry and resentful of their intrusion
- she resented the fact that I had children
- his resentment at being demoted
- his resentment at being demoted
- there is no excuse for trespassing on railroad property
- a trespasser on his land
- having unhorsed each other, the two men finished the fight on foot
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